Powering Progress Through Strategy & Innovation
Infrastructure development solutions and project management consultancy services
Penthaus is at the heart of a diversified investment group that provides turnkey infrastructure development solutions and project management consultancy services. Penthaus simultaneously guides and unifies our varying subsidiaries, whilst walking its own mile by forming successful and sustainable relationships in various economic sectors. Our expertise stretches over all phases of the project development and by expanding on our role as specialized contractors, we now have an active role in the design, development, management and investment processes of the projects we undertake.
It is safe to say that post 2020, we are facing a major turning point in the global economy and society. The global pandemic has fundamentally changed how we live, learn and work. Conventional thinking and traditional operating models are not able to capture the opportunities that arise from this paradigm shift. As margins shrink, technology and innovation have contributed to an unprecedented rate of disruption to the construction industry... / read more
Our approach to investment
Our approach to investment is guided by the philosophy that in order to stimulate business growth and development we need to create our own business ecosystem. This network of organizations from different but integral parts of a common commitment to Africa’s development, by fostering a culture of innovation and creating economic and social wealth.